participated in a campaign on behalf of Dad Central for the Cord Blood
Registry. I received promotional item to thank me for my participation.”
I'm proud to say that I was present for the birth of both of my children, and I wasn’t just behind her shoulder either. For both occasions as I held my wife’s hand and coached her through each agonizing push, I also peeked over to the other side of her gown and witnessed first-hand the miracle of life. It was breathtaking, emotional… and a little messy. Once they arrived, I was given the honor of cutting their umbilical cords and each time, they gathered up that cord, along with the placenta and unceremoniously disposed of it all as bio hazardous waste. However, had I known then what I know now, there’s no way that I would’ve allowed that to happen. Had my wife and I understood that within that so-called “waste” contained precious, life-saving cord blood, we would have sought out more information on how to collect and store it.
Stem cells contained in a newborn's umbilical cord blood possess
unique characteristics that distinguish them from other types of stem cells
found in the body. Cord blood is rich in potentially life-saving blood and
immune cells termed hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). These HSCs are biologically younger and are more flexible
compared to adult stem cells from other sources like bone marrow. Once stored,
they can last up to 20 years. Using cord blood has a number of unique qualities and advantages, such as a lower risks of complications
when used in transplants and the immediate availability of it can minimize
disease progression in early treatment. There have even been advances in reversing
child hearing loss in some cases. There have been numerous cases in which families
were able to either save the lives of their children or even cure illnesses because
of it. In addition, cord
blood is readily available and can be collected easily without risk to the
mother or newborn, regardless of vaginal birth or C-section.
For most people (including myself), the cost alone is enough
of a barrier to give up on the idea all together. Fortunately, there’s hope. There
is currently legislation being considered in the US House of Representatives
dubbed the Family Cord Blood Banking Act. If passed, large numbers of families
will finally be able to receive tax benefits from cord banking expenses. As the
general public gains greater awareness about this process, it will gradually become more
accessible and undoubtedly save many lives in the future.
We haven’t decided 100% on whether or not we will have a
third child. If we do however, we will definitely be incorporating cord blood
banking into the conversation. As a dad, I instinctively want to do everything
in my power to protect my family and cord blood banking is simply an extension
of that desire.
To learn about Cord Blood Banking and how it can benefit
your family, please visit-www.cordbankingbasics.com
Anyone who visits
until February 24, 2014 and completes an
information request will receive a $200 discount on banking a newborn’s
umbilical cord blood with Cord Blood Registry. Click HERE for more details!